Below is a table showing all the possible events that are sent in the notifications.
- NOTE: The events received are operator-integration dependent, meaning that not all events are sent on all operators.
Event | Reason | Description |
CREATE | CREATE_ACTIVE | Subscription is created in our system with ACTIVE status after a successful payment attempt upon creation. |
CREATE | CREATE_INACTIVE | An INACTIVE subscription has been created, i.e., it cannot be used for access to the service until it will be successfully renewed. |
CREATE | TRIAL_START | A free trial period has started (also means that a subscription is created). No separate CREATE event will be sent in this instance. |
CREATE | CREATED_PENDING_INACTIVE* | An inactive subscription pending confirmation from operator has been created. |
CREATE | CONFIRMATION* | A pending subscription has been confirmed |
| | *OPTIONAL: We send these events in case of externally managed operators only. |
Event | Reason | Description |
CANCEL | CANCEL_IMMEDIATELY | Subscription has been cancelled with immediate effect – either by the scheduler when it expires by reaching the end date or the end of on-hold period or by some back-end system, e.g.: Customer Care. |
TAGGED_FOR_CANCEL | | Subscription has been cancelled by the customer. Subscription is still usable until end of billing period and will be cancelled automatically upon reaching it. A new CANCEL event will be sent when the end date is reached. |
Event | Description |
ACTIVATE | An INACTIVE subscription has been activated again. |
DEACTIVATE | An ACTIVE subscription has been deactivated because of a failed billing – we will retry for X days, e.g.: 30 days, to re-charge the user and then activate again. After X days of on-hold (grace) period the subscription will be cancelled, and a CANCEL event will be sent in this case. |
Below is a table showing all the possible status that are sent in the notifications.
Status | Description |
ACTIVE | susbcriptionId is currently subscribed, charged and should be allowed access to content. |
INACTIVE | susbcriptionId is currently subscribed but either hasn't been charged or had a failed charging during renewal. |
CANCELED | susbcriptionId is currently not subscribed anymore and cannot resubscribe using the same subscriptionId but can resubscribe but will be awarded a new subscriptionId. |
Below table contains the event sent from Mondia Pay to Partner for single purchase only.
Event | Description |
EXTERNAL_TRANSACTION | This event shows that payment is externally processed. |
Below table contains the status sent from Mondia Pay to Partner for single purchase only.
Status | Description |
CAPTURED | This status shows that payment is successfully captured from the user. |
Below is a table of the most relevant reasons that are sent in notifications.
- NOTE: The reasons received are operator-integration dependent, meaning that not all reasons are sent on all operators.
- Following Table shows notification event/reason (If a reason is missing then the event itself is the reason).
Event | Reason |