API Reference

Event Types

Below is a table showing all the possible events that are sent in the notifications.

  • NOTE: The events received are operator-integration dependent, meaning that not all events are sent on all operators.

Creation Events

CREATECREATE_ACTIVESubscription is created in our system with ACTIVE status after a successful payment attempt upon creation.
CREATECREATE_INACTIVEAn INACTIVE subscription has been created, i.e., it cannot be used for access to the service until it will be successfully renewed.
CREATETRIAL_STARTA free trial period has started (also means that a subscription is created). No separate CREATE event will be sent in this instance.
CREATECREATED_PENDING_INACTIVE*An inactive subscription pending confirmation from operator has been created.
CREATECONFIRMATION*A pending subscription has been confirmed
*OPTIONAL: We send these events in case of externally managed operators only.

Cancellation Events

CANCELCANCEL_IMMEDIATELYSubscription has been cancelled with immediate effect – either by the scheduler when it expires by reaching the end date or the end of on-hold period or by some back-end system, e.g.: Customer Care.
TAGGED_FOR_CANCELSubscription has been cancelled by the customer. Subscription is still usable until end of billing period and will be cancelled automatically upon reaching it. A new CANCEL event will be sent when the end date is reached.

Renewal Events

ACTIVATEAn INACTIVE subscription has been activated again.
DEACTIVATEAn ACTIVE subscription has been deactivated because of a failed billing – we will retry for X days, e.g.: 30 days, to re-charge the user and then activate again. After X days of on-hold (grace) period the subscription will be cancelled, and a CANCEL event will be sent in this case.

Status Types

Below is a table showing all the possible status that are sent in the notifications.

ACTIVEsusbcriptionId is currently subscribed, charged and should be allowed access to content.
INACTIVEsusbcriptionId is currently subscribed but either hasn't been charged or had a failed charging during renewal.
CANCELEDsusbcriptionId is currently not subscribed anymore and cannot resubscribe using the same subscriptionId but can resubscribe but will be awarded a new subscriptionId.

Single Purchase Event

Below table contains the event sent from Mondia Pay to Partner for single purchase only.

EXTERNAL_TRANSACTIONThis event shows that payment is externally processed.

Single Purchase Status

Below table contains the status sent from Mondia Pay to Partner for single purchase only.

CAPTUREDThis status shows that payment is successfully captured from the user.

Important Event Reasons

Below is a table of the most relevant reasons that are sent in notifications.

  • NOTE: The reasons received are operator-integration dependent, meaning that not all reasons are sent on all operators.
  • Following Table shows notification event/reason (If a reason is missing then the event itself is the reason).