post http://{domain}/v1/api/purchase/article/prepare
This section documents the web flow with redirection to MondiaPay consent page.
Log in to see full request history
To purchase article (single purchase item) use this endpoint to initiate the purchase flow, this API can be accessed with Client Access Token obtained from the response of the Client Access Token API, if the endpoint is accessed with a Client Access Token then at the end of the purchase flow the redirect URL includes a (query) parameter "?code="
How to use:
- Fill in Authorization header: Bearer C1234abcde-1234-abcd-1234-abcd1234abcd (Replace with access_token that starts with letter C obtained from response of Client Access Token API request)
- (OPTIONAL) Add marketingCampaign details(conversionId, agency, medium...etc) to be relayed back in later notifications and stored in the purchase details.
- Fill in the rest of the parameters as per your requirement.
- In the response received, click on the href link which should direct you to the Consent Gateway page that will authenticate your purchase request and
- Upon successful subscription there will be a redirect, that redirect WILL include parameter "code=" with an Authorization Code.
Purchase Link Validity period
The obtained href purchase link will be valid for single use only within 10 mins of its creation.
Authorization Code Validity period
The obtained Authorization Code will be valid for single use only!